INBA voting membership is for all active and retired electronic news professionals and educators in Illinois or media markets serving the state of Illinois.
Non-voting membership is for associate members in allied fields such as public relations; out-of-state members who would otherwise qualify for voting membership; and student members in journalism-related courses at Illinois colleges or Illinois residents enrolled at out-of-state colleges.
**After applicants submit their payment and application, membership is not final until the INBA Board votes to approve new membership once per quarter**
Provided monthly to members, tuneIN contains the latest information on issues affecting journalists in Illinois, plus reports on conventions and seminar plans, job information and other news.
A current listing of job openings, The JobFile is a joint venture of INBA and The Chicago Headline Club Society of Professional Journalists.
Held twice each year, conventions offer working journalists, students and people in related fields the opportunity to exchange ideas, learn the latest techniques in broadcasting and network with each other.
INBA offers up to four scholarships each year to qualified post-high school students based on demonstrated interest and potential in electronic media, financial need and academics.