INBA Members who are also logged-in to this website have access to exclusive benefits, including:
— Access to the INBA Legal Hotline: Free legal advice on the Freedom of Information Act, the Open Meetings Act, and other work-related issues.
— Access to select past issues of the INBA tuneIN electronic newsletter.
— Access to the INBA Forum bulletin board, allowing for discussion on a variety of topics with other members across the nation.
— Access to the INBA Directory, which is also provided free to members in print form.
To access online exclusives, members need to log in to this website. Once logged in, the “Members Only Section” will appear on the navigation menu, located under your login name at the left of the website.
INBA Members who are also logged-in to this website have access to exclusive benefits, including:
— Access to the INBA Legal Hotline: Free legal advice on the Freedom of Information Act, the Open Meetings Act, and other work-related issues.
— Access to select past issues of the INBA tuneIN electronic newsletter.
— Access to the INBA Forum bulletin board, allowing for discussion on a variety of topics with other members across the nation.
— Access to the INBA Directory, which is also provided free to members in print form.
To access online exclusives, members need to log in to this website. Once logged in, the "Members Only Section" will appear on the navigation menu, located under your login name at the left of the website.